About Us

Oxbow Design Build is committed to a set of guiding principles that direct our business decisions and policies. We refer to these ideologies as ARCS, representing Aesthetics, Resiliency, Community, and Sustainability.


We pride ourselves on our craftsmanship and attention to detail. Our shop is a creative and innovative environment, where the quality of our work is held in the highest regard.


As a small business that has transitioned into a worker-owned co-op, we are devoted to creating a just and equitable workplace. This gives us a strong sense of ownership and commitment to our work.


We are devoted to supporting, serving, and empowering the many communities in which we are a part in accordance with co-operative values and principles. Our principles are rooted in the ideals of co-operation, mutuality. and solidarity.


As part of our commitment to the continued health of the environment, we take a holistic approach to sustainable building and fabrication practices to reduce our environmental impact.

Easthampton Mill Buildings

We are a worker owned cooperative working out of the revitalized Easthampton Mill District.

Current Member Owners as of 6/10/24 Photo by Cole Cataneo
Our Staff